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We offer our Basis-workspace for Visual C++(tm)-users for further development of their own products. The workspace runs from Visual C
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We offer our Basis-workspace for Visual C++(tm)-users for further development of their own products. The workspace runs from Visual C++(tm) 6 and contains all source files for compiling a basis program for Windows (the compiling for Windows CE is fundamentally prepared).

The resulting basis program consist of a window with a menu and popup-menu, a modeless property sheet with three dialog pages and different backgrounds. The user-surface and the HTML-Help text is selectable from the help-menu for German and English.

All procedures of the basis project are in the source well explained. In addition the procedure parameters are specified as interfaces in a .doc-file and a PowerPoint diagram is for the project overview. Furthermore we describe step by step the necessary transformation in your own project.
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